Ask me anything:

For ages 8-15


In this webinar, Bec answers the following questions submitted by tweens and teens (and their parents!):

1. "I’m a friendly, kind teenager. So why can’t I find a friendship group in high school?” (0:13)

2. "A classmate was being mean to me on Kids Messenger so I blocked them. Now my whole class has turned on me.”  (9:18)

3. “I want to hang out with the nice kids at school but the mean/bossy kids are trying to get me to hang out with them …” (17:19)

4. “How do you get rid of an annoying friend who no-one likes and who causes so much drama?” (22:21)

5. "What do I do when a friend is nice to me sometimes and mean to me at other times. How do I stand up for myself without looking like a mean girl?” (26:38)

6. "My best friend has ‘new friends’ and they won’t include me. We’ve been close friends for three years and now I don’t get to play with her at all.”  (28:55)

Once purchased, you'll have 12 months access to this webinar. Please remember that advice is general in nature. You should always talk to a favourite teacher or mental health specialist for advice on on-going, serious friendship issues.

It’s important to know this advice is broad in nature. Always chat to your parents, favourite teacher or school psychologist.