Want to create a little bit of magic this Christmas?
In this eBook I've compiled all the best Christmas traditions I know as a way to create a bit of magic in December. Not just for me and my kids but for the community.

Christmas is my favourite time of the year. To me, it’s magical. With sparkling trees and fairy lights, brown sugar bickies and Kris Kringle games. It’s a time of goodwill and peace and kindness and extra servings of chocolate pudding. The problem of course is that real life has a habit of shoe-horning itself into the season. Everything can start to feel rushed and overwhelming and stressful.The secret to making Christmas magical is for all of us to slow down where we can. Anchor the season in ritual. And realise that even the smallest act of kindness can create a Christmas miracle. It’s never too late to start new traditions and rituals.