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A collection of my most popular webinars for tweens, teens and parents


Want to know what two questions tweens and teens ask me the most? 

  1. How do I make more friends?
  2. How do I know if my friends really like me?


(Let's just take a moment to remember how brutal school can be and the agony of wondering who you'll sit with at lunch time or in maths class.)

Learning how to find friends is one thing (and it's scary because striking up a conversation with a stranger is realy vulnerable!)

But the real skill is knowing what a good friendship LOOKS like and FEELS like.

And it's something we all need to be taught.

Because the truth is for most kids whether or not they enjoy school comes down to one basic thing ... who they choose to hang around.

Are they hanging around with people who bring out their best self? Who cheer them on? Who like them for who they are? OR are they choosing friends who routinely exclude them, humiliate them and let them down?

This is where I can help.


Twenty years of working with tweens, teens, and parents has taught me a few things that just can’t be learned in school.

The biggest takeaway?

The biggest decison we make in our lives is WHO WE CHOOSE TO HANG AROUND.

Being able to recognise a healthy friendship, knowing how to BE a great friend, understanding how to side-step drama and the importance of communicating your boundaries - THESE are the most important life skills we ever learn. And if school was actually really difficult for you OR you're just not sure how to teach your child any of this stuff ... I'm here to help.

This is for you if: 
  • You’re a parent or guardian of a teen or tween who is having trouble setting personal boundaries
  • Your tween or teen  is learning how to deal with their first phone
  • Your tween or teen  is having trouble making friends at school
  • Your tween or teen  wants to MOVE friendship groups at school
  • Your tween or teen  is caught up in constant drama cyclones and gossip
  • Your tween or teen could use some tips on dealing with snarky, mean kids at school

My short, snappy webinars are ready to watch RIGHT NOW! 

You’ll only need about 20 minutes per webinar (and a bucket of popcorn for two, of course), and you’ll get 12 months access so you can watch them as many times as you like. Watch these webinars with your tween or teen and watch as conversations start to open up about school.


Here’s everything included in the bundle...


This webinar features six tips on navigating the highs and lows of friendship in the teen and tween years (years 4 to 8) plus a PDF workbook to complete with your girl. 


Do you want a truly unbreakable parent-child bond? This webinar will give you four easy ways to connect (or reconnect) with your son or daughter so that you’re ready to guide them into the teen years and beyond.


Texting is a brilliant way for your child to stay connected with friends, but it can also be an emotional MINEFIELD (understatement!). This webinar will show you how to dial up the fun without the drama.

Webinar Icon - Personal Boundaries

Learning how to set strong boundaries is the key to great relationships. This webinar will help you start conversations with your son or daughter about her boundaries and how they can communicate them with strength and kindness.

Webinar Icon - Making Friends

Making authentic friendships and positive connections is a key part of school life.

This webinar will teach your son or daughter HOW to develop healthy friendships.

Webinar Icon - Handle Mean Kids

Is your son or daughter coming up against more than your fair share of nasty kids at school? This webinar will give them the tools to handle those one-off snarky behaviours from other kids in the schoolyard or classroom.

Webinar Icon - Change Friendship Groups (1)

It’s okay to change friendship groups but the key is to do it without blowing the situation up and causing utter chaos. This webinar discusses moving friendship groups with the goal of dialling down the drama and leaving everyone’s feelings in tact.

Webinar Icon - The Friendship Reset

From learning how to find friends and strengthen those bonds to noticing the red flags and green flags in friendship this webinar is designed to help kids get clear on what a good friendships looks and feels like.


How do you really know if you should forgive a friend?

What’s the best way to repair a broken friendship?

In this 20-minute webinar, Bec will go through some practical tips and advice on how to apologise properly and what you can do to repair friendships including when to walk away completely.


Schoolyard drama might seem like an unavoidable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be! This webinar covers four strategies for escaping the drama cyclone (and gossip) at school in one piece.


In this online version of one of my most popular school talks, I go through the five things students can do to have a more positive experience in upper primary and high school.

Webinar Icon - Attract Great Friends

Let’s make 2024 the year of attracting great friendships! In this 20-minute webinar, Bec will offer practical tips and strategies on how to fine-tune your friendship radar so you know how to recognise a healthy friendship. She’ll also offer tips on how to meet new friends, strike up conversations and how to strengthen existing friendships.

Bec-Hero V2


Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has been a travel writer, a magazine editor, a newspaper columnist, a TV scriptwriter and a novelist.  She is perhaps best-known as the author of three best-selling non-fiction books for teenage girls designed to help them navigate those tricky high school years. Those books include Find Your Tribe  (and 9 other things I wish I'd known in high school); Find Your Feet (The 8 things I Wish I'd Known Before I Left High School) and the best-selling Ask Me Anything (heartfelt answers to 65 anonymous questions from teenage girls). Aside from writing books Rebecca writes for Mamamia and plays agony aunt to teenage girls on the Ask Me Anything podcast. Bec talks to thousands of high school students every year about friendship, resilience, giving back and life online.  Rebecca is an ambassador for The Pyjama Foundation and #TeamGirls a joint initiative by Suncorp, and Netball Australia. In 2018 she was invited to be a member of the Queensland Government’s Anti-Cyber Bullying Taskforce.  She is a mother to three kids (including one tween girl!).


$266 $106.70 ($97+GST)
  • 6 Friendship Lessons For Tweens and Teens (Normally $20)
  • Unbreakable: 4 Tips to Forge Strong Connections With Your Tween or Teen (Normally $20)
  • 5 Rules for Texting/Messaging for Tweens and Teens (Normally $20)
  • Setting Personal Boundaries (Normally $20)
  • 7 Tips on Making Friends at School (Normally $20)
  • How to Avoid Drama Cyclones (Normally $20)
  • How to Handle Mean Kids (Normally $20)
  • How to Change Friendship Groups (Normally $20)
  • Friendship Reset (Normally $20)
  • How to Repair Friendships (Normally $20)
  • 5 Secrets To School (Normally $35)
  • How to Attract Great Friends in 2023 (Normally $20)

Thank you Rebecca, 

Your webinar was just what my 12 year old daughter needed and as soon as she heard you were doing another next week she said are we going to get that too! We can’t make 7pm on a Monday as she has running and volleyball but nice to watch replay again on Tuesday night together before she heads off to her dad’s place for a few days.




Thank you for sharing your insights tonight! My daughter was really listening to you, which was amazing to see, as I struggle to be heard and also sometimes don’t know if I’m giving the best advice.  We’ll definitely be tuning in next week! 




Really loved the webinar. Thanks for staying a bit longer and answering the questions too. Really appreciated the time you gave. My daughter really enjoyed it and many of the questions were relevant for her too! 




I wanted to thank you.

This week I watched your mini webinar on ‘making friends’ with my 11 year old son. He’s off to College next year as a boarder. So your webinar was perfect timing really!  My son and I curled up on my bed and we watched it together and had some fantastic discussions as a result. He feels much better and more confident now. It doesn’t matter that it will still be tough - that’s life. But now he is armed with some tools to help him.

Big hugs to you!




I just wanted to drop a quick line to say a huge thank you for the web series you have done recently. In conjunction with the Lighthouse plan it has been invaluable in raising my 2 daughters this year!

Last week I sat down with my 9 & 11 year old daughters and watched How to avoid drama cyclones. This week I have noticed that they are coming home from school less wound up about what someone has said or said about someone else. They have used your strategies already and are amazed that they worked for them!

We attend a very small outback school (40 kids) and there are often dramas that play out and suck in almost all the girls. I’m noticing the same names popping up as the instigators and sincerely wish they could watch these webinars with their parents to help them navigate friendships.

Anyway, have a lovely weekend and THANK YOU for all your hard work!!




My daughters talked about your webinar all the way to school this morning.

I wasn't able to watch it with them last night but I learnt all about red and green flags this morning.

Thank you. You're like the wise aunty that I always wished they had 🙂




I have finally sat down to listen to this recording. Wow. Loved it!! Not only has it given me some confidence to help my kids navigate friendships but has also resonated deeply with me as well. Having grown up through high school in the "popular group" I was never comfortable. They were never my people and as soon as high school finished...they were no longer my "friends". For years I struggled and only just seeing the light now of what friendship means.
Through your recording and now life experience I feel very equipped to tackling the journey with my own children now. Thanks a heap, Bec. Look forward to hearing more.



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