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About this time every year I remind people to grab a copy of my favourite Christmas book: How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T Smith. I know what you’re thinking. It’s October. You’re like, “Calm your farm, lady.” But you see this book is an ADVENT story. Starting on 1st December and finishing on 25th December you read a short chapter every night to your kids. Or your dog. #nojudgement It’s one of my FAVOURITE Christmas traditions and we’ve been reading this book every December for years now. My kids still LOVE it. See, kids…
Read MoreSunday Mail South Australia column: Sunday 8 January 2012
At some point, clearly when I wasn’t paying attention, Cinderella moved into our house. Moved in and sort of took over. But what’s worse is that like a…
Sunday Mail South Australia column: Sunday 13th November 2011
As most of you know, I’m from Brisbane. What does that mean? It means that for pretty much my entire life I’ve spent Christmas Day in somebody’s swimming…
Sunday Mail column for Sunday 23 October 2011: the one about your Year 12 grades
Despite the fact that it was twenty-two years ago (good grief, I’m just going to pour myself a stiff drink and contemplate that for a moment) and my…
Sunday Mail South Australia column for Sunday 2 October 2011
I learnt a major life lesson this past month. And it involved steak, mashed potato and a mariachi band. Sort of. In a way. Stay with me. I’ve…
Sunday Mail South Australia column for Sunday 11 September 2011
It was easier when I was younger. Forget shops. Back then when I longed to get my hands on a fabulous frock all I had to do was…
Sunday Mail column for Sunday 21 August 2011
I haven’t seen a movie this year. Okay, that’s not entirely true. Yesterday I curled up on the couch and watched that cinematic sartorial masterpiece Pretty in Pink…
Sunday Mail column for Sunday 10 July 2011. The one about emoticons …
This week I had one of those awkward realisations. You know the ones. Those moments when you clearly see something about yourself that is rather shocking. Uncomfortable. Lame. …
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 19 June 2011: The one about Georgie and Red Nose Day
I debated writing this column today. Mostly because in some ways it defeats the reason – or one of the reasons – why Brad, Ava and I moved…
Sunday Mail South Australia column for Sunday 29th May 2011: the one about small talk
I suck at small talk. I do. In fact faced with a choice on a Friday night between giving a speech to 1000 people or going to your…
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About Bec
Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.
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