5 Secrets to School in 2025
Price: $35
You’ll only need about 20 minutes for my webinars (and a bucket of popcorn for two, of course), and you’ll get sent a replay so you can watch it as many times as you like. Watch this webinar with your tween or teen and watch as conversations start to open up about school.

How To Find (GREAT) Friends in 2025
Price: $35
You’ll only need about 20 minutes for my webinars (and a bucket of popcorn for two, of course), and you’ll get sent a replay so you can watch it as many times as you like. Watch this webinar with your tween or teen and watch as conversations start to open up about school.

Navigating High School Webinar Bundle
Price: $97
Starting high school can be overwhelming for both teens and their parents. This bundle is designed to equip your child with essential life skills that aren’t covered in the classroom-but are crucial for their success.
This bundle is designed to equip your tween or teen with the tools to navigate it confidently. They'll learn how to make friends, manage peer pressure, communicate with teachers, and stay organised—skills essential for thriving in their sometimes overwhelming environment.

Managing Conflict Webinar Bundle
Price: $97
In these webinars your tween or teen will learn how to handle those difficult aspects of school (and life!) including side-stepping drama, handling gossip, navigating conflict, changing friendship groups peacefully and understanding the best way to handle mean moments from other kids.

Making Friends & Building Friendships Webinar Bundle
Price: $97
In this bundle of webinars your tween or teen will learn effective strategies for making friends and creating a great first impression as well as learning how to be a great friend and what it takes to build strong, robust friendships.

Tricky Friendship Moments Webinar Bundle
Price: $97
Bec answers some of the most-asked questions she gets from tweens and teens including How Do I Become More Popular?, How Do I Know If My Friends Really Like Me and How Do I Change My Reputation?

ultimate webinar bundle
Price: $97
Twenty years of working with tweens, teens, and parents has taught me a few things that don't tend to be taught at school.
- Why groups of three are tricky when it comes to friendships.
- How to change friendship groups without causing drama.
- How to set your own personal boundaries.
- The red flag signs of an unhealthy friendship.
My intention is to help busy parents help their kids navigate their friendship challenges. That’s why I created the Ultimate Webinar Bundle: a collection of my most populate webinars for tweens, teens and parents.

5 Secrets to School: 33 mins
Price: $35
Is whether or not you enjoy school based on luck? Or can you actively make choices and decisions which will greatly improve your chances of having a positive experience? In this online version of one of my most popular school talks, I go through the five things students can do to have a more positive experience in school. From choosing supportive friends and avoiding drama cyclones to allowing yourself to be ‘seen’ and understanding the difference between bullies and jerks.
This material is especially useful for students in years 5, 6, 7 and 8. Suitable for Parents and their Teens/Tweens.

Price: $35
In this online version of one of my most popular school talks, I go through the six things teens and tweens can do to navigate those tricky waters of friendships in their teen and tween years (students in years 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).
Included is a PDF workbook for your teen / tween to complete, as well as access to the replay of the live workshop.

Price: $35
In this 30 minute webinar Bec will share four practical ideas to help you build those strong bonds with your child. Whether your child is in primary school or high school — this webinar will arm you with easy ways to connect (or reconnect) with your child.

Price: $35
In this 30-minute webinar l go through 5 easy to understand tips for having a more positive experience with texting and messaging.
Texting and messaging friends can be a brilliant way to stay connected and in touch. By following a few simple guidelines — they can dial down the drama and dial up the fun and connection.

Price: $35
This 20 minute webinar is designed to encourage kids to think about their own personal boundaries and how to communicate those boundaries with their friends in a strong but kind way.

Price: $35
Some people seem to make friends easily. Others find the process of connecting with other kids a little tricker. If your child is starting a new school and looking to expand their friendship network, this 20 minute webinar is for them!
I’ll go through SEVEN easy tips for making authentic friendships and increasing your positive connections at school.

Price: $35
In this 25 minute webinar, I will offer tips on how to have a more peaceful experience at school including how to handle conflict with friends, how to change friendship groups, the problem with gossip and how to handle “snarky” kids.

Price: $35
Whether it’s someone muttering ‘You’re useless at soccer’ or rolling their eyes at you in the hallway in this 20-MINUTE EXPRESS WEBINAR on ‘How To Handle Mean Moments & Teasing’ where I’ll equip you and your tween or teen with some practical advice and strategies on dealing with those snarky moments in the schoolyard.
Please note this is not about bullying but instead about those one-off snarky or mean behaviours from other kids in the schoolyard or classroom.

Price: $35
There’s a saying I heard last year: Don’t cut what you can untie. And it’s never been more true than when it comes to changing or moving friendship groups at school. In this express 20 minute webinar I’m going to give your tween or teen tips on how to move friendship groups without causing unnecessary drama or hurt.

friendship reset: 40 mins
Price: $35
One of the most critical decisions we make in our lives (especially at school) is who we choose to hang around. Finding and nurturing authentic, quality friendships is one of the biggest factors in having a happy life (and a happy school experience!).
In this 40 minute webinar we will help tweens and teens reflect on the quality of the friendships in their lives. From learning how to find friends and strengthen those bonds to noticing the red flags and green flags in friendship this webinar is designed to help kids get clear on what a good friendship looks and feels like.

How to Repair Friendships: 20 Mins
Price: $35
How do you really know if you should forgive a friend?
What’s the best way to repair a broken friendship?
In this 20-minute webinar, Bec will go through some practical tips and advice on how to apologise properly and what you can do to repair friendships including when to walk away completely.

How to Attract Great Friends in 2023: 40 Mins
Price: $35
Let’s make 2023 the year of attracting great friendships! In this 20-minute webinar, Bec will offer practical tips and strategies on how to fine-tune your friendship radar so you know how to recognise a healthy friendship. She’ll also offer tips on how to meet new friends, strike up conversations and how to strengthen existing friendships. Suitable for tweens and teens aged 10+.

How To Be The Friend Everyone Wants To Have: 20 mins
Price: $35
The key to having great friendships is BEING a great friend yourself. But what does that mean exactly? In this 20-minute webinar, Bec goes through the tiny but powerful behaviours which make someone a great friend. From shutting down gossip and owning your impact to the fascinating non-verbal cues which help people feel seen and valued — Bec will equip you with strategies to help lift your friendship game. Follow these tips and not only will you avoid drama cyclones at school but it will also teach you how to be the type of trusted, beloved friend everyone wants to have in their life.

Ask Me Anything - Friendships 16th October 2022
Price: $15
In this webinar, Bec answers the following questions submitted by tweens and teens (and their parents!):
1. "I’m a friendly, kind teenager. So why can’t I find a friendship group in high school?” (0:13)
2. "A classmate was being mean to me on Kids Messenger so I blocked them. Now my whole class has turned on me.” (9:18)
3. “I want to hang out with the nice kids at school but the mean/bossy kids are trying to get me to hang out with them …” (17:19)
4. “How do you get rid of an annoying friend who no-one likes and who causes so much drama?” (22:21)
5. "What do I do when a friend is nice to me sometimes and mean to me at other times. How do I stand up for myself without looking like a mean girl?” (26:38)
6. "My best friend has ‘new friends’ and they won’t include me. We’ve been close friends for three years and now I don’t get to play with her at all.” (28:55)
Once purchased, you'll have 12 months access to this webinar. Please remember that advice is general in nature. You should always talk to a favourite teacher or mental health specialist for advice on on-going, serious friendship issues.
Audio Series
The Friendship Project
Price: $45 + GST
The Friendship Project is the audio series for 2023 when so many women are longing for connection, conversation and community.
Your roadmap to the tween years
Is your child in primary school? Then it’s the perfect time to establish yourself as the lighthouse in their life – that beacon of wisdom there to guide them as they learn to navigate the sometimes choppy waters of upper primary school and high school.
My Lighthouse Plan is designed to give parents of tweens two things: a roadmap and a toolkit.
THE ROADMAP: You get a roadmap to the tween years and I’m here to help you help your son or daughter navigate everything from first periods to first sleepover to first social media accounts to first crush.
I’ve done the leg-work for you and put all the best articles, books, videos and podcasts in one location on a variety of topics including friendships, confidence and resilience, mental health, conflict resolution and study habits!
THE TOOLKIT: You also get 12 tools to put in your bonding toolkit. I’ll show you the simple things you can do to strengthen the bond between you and your tween.
I'm a big believer in laying a strong foundation of communication, support and openness when our kids are still tweens BEFORE they hit the teenage years. And that's what my Lighthouse Plan is all about. I’ll offer you tips on how to strengthen your bond with your child AND give you a roadmap to help you both navigate the wonderful, tricky, eye-opening years ahead.

Just Between US
Creating precious memories
The tween years are amazing, but they go WAY too fast, and before you know it, your tween will be a teen. It’s as scary as it is amazing - because it means this is your perfect chance to build a bond that lasts a lifetime.
My Just Between Us program is designed to help you slow down and take the time to create precious memories with your child, and as a mum of three, I know it works! I’ve created a 12-month plan filled with fun activities and ideas to bring you and your child closer together. In my monthly emails, you’ll find simple tips and inspiration that will fit easily into your lives and allow your relationship to blossom.
Bec is the author of three best-selling novels The Girl Most Likely, The Year Nick McGowan Came to Stay and Joel and Cat Set The Story Straight (co-authored with Nick Earls). Since 2009 Rebecca has focused on writing non-fiction books for teenage girls to help them navigate those tricky high school years. Those books include Find Your Tribe (and 9 other things I wish I’d known in high school); Find Your Feet (The 8 things I Wish I’d Known Before I Left High School) and the best-selling Ask Me Anything (heartfelt answers to 65 anonymous questions from teenage girls).

Tricky Conversations
Do you think I’m fat?
How come I can’t have Instagram when all my friends are on it?
I am so tired of playing this sport. Can I quit the team?
When can I start wearing make-up?
Or maybe it’ll be more of a truth bomb she drops rather than a question. She reveals she's been spending all her lunch hours alone at school. Or that she’s being bullied. Or that she has a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend.
In that moment when your daughter comes to you for advice, what are you going to say? How exactly do you respond? How you handle this moment could determine whether she ever opens up to you again ...
These cheat sheets are designed to help you navigate life’s tricky moments with your tween daughter. When she throws you a curveball, these "cheat sheets" will show you how to catch it.