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About this time every year I remind people to grab a copy of my favourite Christmas book: How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T Smith. I know what you’re thinking. It’s October. You’re like, “Calm your farm, lady.” But you see this book is an ADVENT story. Starting on 1st December and finishing on 25th December you read a short chapter every night to your kids. Or your dog. #nojudgement It’s one of my FAVOURITE Christmas traditions and we’ve been reading this book every December for years now. My kids still LOVE it. See, kids…
Read MoreSunday Mail column for Sunday 28 March 2010
The first time was because of forks. Then Chewie. Next was a platter of the best Indian food you’ve ever tasted followed by a fire alarm. And this…
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 21 March 2010
I’m tired. Bone-weary. Exhausted. I should be used to moving by now. After all, we’ve done four moves in five years as Brad completes his training with Queensland…
Love Your Body Event: Tuesday 20 April
I’m MCing this event for the YWCA in Brisbane on Tuesday 20 April. Ticket price is just a gold coin donation at the door. Bookings essential. It’ll be…
The Dog Ate My Homework (… and other excuses)
I know its been a while since I blogged. But I have an excuse (stop rolling your eyes). I moved house. I moved house with a rambunctious dog…
Sunday Mail column for Sunday 14 March: FIND YOUR TRIBE
It’s been a disturbing month. Every time I turn around there’s yet another horror story. Bullying that results in a school stabbing. A young girl abducted from her…
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 7 March: Helping orphans in Thailand
It’s the first Sunday of the month, which means it’s time to donate $10 to a worthy cause. So far hundreds of Sunday Mail readers – working as…
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 28 February 2010
What did you want to be when you were growing up? I wanted to be the blonde woman out of ABBA, an actress, a teacher, Mrs Donny Osmond,…
Sunday Mail Column: Labour Of Love
Today is not a good day for many people. Not because anything particularly horrific has happened. They haven’t – collectively – been fired. Or robbed. Or been told…
Sunday Mail Column: Street Swags
It’s the first Sunday of the month, which means our First Sunday Club is back! In January I launched the First Sunday Club asking readers to join me…
Sunday Mail column
So we’re moving. AGAIN. I know, I know. I move house like someone who’s on the run from the police. But Brad’s job means we get shifted like…
About Bec
Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.
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