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About this time every year I remind people to grab a copy of my favourite Christmas book: How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T Smith. I know what you’re thinking. It’s October. You’re like, “Calm your farm, lady.” But you see this book is an ADVENT story. Starting on 1st December and finishing on 25th December you read a short chapter every night to your kids. Or your dog. #nojudgement It’s one of my FAVOURITE Christmas traditions and we’ve been reading this book every December for years now. My kids still LOVE it. See, kids…
Read MoreDear 12, your final grade won’t make or break your life …
Photos are deceiving. That photo of me (and my perm) was taken on my last day of high school in 1989. And I look deliriously happy. I…
Confessions of an emotional eater
I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Last week, I saw myself at Coles. Well, in the carpark outside to be exact. I was loading groceries into my…
The 6 things I miss about working in an office
The list of things I miss about working in an office is long and varied. 1. There’s the clothing, of course. I miss buttoning up that gorgeous new…
Which childhood toy did you desperately want?
Santa and I had a falling out when I was about four. Not that I want to sound bitter. Okay, I’m a bit bitter. And it was all…
My chance encounter with Offspring …
Monday nights are usually pretty blah for me. With the kids in bed, I’m often working. Half-watching Q&A. Making myself cups of tea. Forgetting to drink them. Making…
Why I won’t read ‘Mummy Blogs’
In April 2003 I was a little bit smug. My first novel had been published to universally glowing reviews and I took great delight in telling anyone who…
Lindy Chamberlain grieved the ‘wrong’ way …
It was 1980, I was eight years old and sitting on the lounge room floor leaning back onto my mum’s lean tanned legs when I heard someone –…
If you’re the perfect parent, please stand up.
Six days ago, a really, really weird thing happened. It appears that the entire Australian population turned into Carol and Mike Brady. We went to bed on Tuesday…
Germaine? You lost me at ‘big arse’ …
At 9.47 pm last night while I was feeding my six-week-old son, checking my emails and wondering at what point my three-year-old daughter had decided I was on…
I sent a work email just hours after giving birth to Fin …
It was one of those delicious rumours that spread through my hometown twenty years ago; propelled along because of its irresistibly juicy mix of perceived bad behaviour and…
About Bec
Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.
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