If you're like me, you want to have the type of bond whereby your daughter will come to you if they're worried or anxious or struggling with an issue. We want them to turn to us when things go pear-shaped rather than leading (as some teens seem to do) a double life or even worse, suffering in silence.
We especially want them to feel comfortable talking to us if:
- They're being bullied
- They're struggling with friendship issues
- They're worrying about something (school work, family dramas etc)
- They have a secret crush!
- And perhaps most crucially - if they've experienced something that left them feeling uncomfortable or unsafe or alone.

Here’s one thing I know for certain: leaving it to chance is not the answer. Having a close connection with your child isn’t about luck. Instead it’s about key strategies and decisions you make when BEFORE the teen years hit in full force.
That's where

comes in.
I'm a big believer in laying a strong foundation of communication, support and openness when our kids are tweens - after all this is when we're still the major influence in our daughter's life. And that's what my Lighthouse Plan is all about. It’s a roadmap to the tween years.
Here's what you'll receive from me EVERY WEEK for the next 12 weeks:

A bond building strategy (this is a tool or strategy to help build and/or strengthen the bond between you and your daughter. My intention is for your daughter to see you as their lighthouse -- that person to turn to for guidance and wisdom particularly when the seas are rough)

A gold-star tween/teen parenting tip(these are the best parenting tips for tweens I've read over the years).

A How-To-Handle page: periods, friendships dramas, body image issues — I’ll curate the best resources I’ve found and put it all in the one place for you to go back to.

Access to a closed Facebook group where more than 750 mums of girls are sharing tips, asking advice and brainstorming solutions for their parenting dilemmas in a private, judgement-free space.

A copy of my Before You Hit Send notes on how to have a more positive experience online.

PLUS my Resources List for tween/teen girls and tween/teen boys.
- Friendships and Frenemies
- Getting Your Period
- Body Image worries
- Confidence and Resilience
- Mental Health (anxiety and depression)
- Social Media and Smartphones
No more hours spent Googling different concerns! In this six-week course, I’ve done the legwork for you and curated the best articles, podcasts, books and videos on these key topics. You’ll find the best resources in one spot at your finger tips.
Before we go ANY further, let me make something really, really clear.

I’m not a psychologist. Or a youth worker. Or a teacher.
So who am I exactly? I studied communications at university and over the past 25 years have built a career based on knowing how to effectively communicate and connect with people of all ages. During that time I’ve worked as a magazine editor, a kids TV scriptwriter, a newspaper columnist, a feature writer and an author. It was when my first novel “The Girl Most Likely” was published in 2003 that I found myself being asked to go into schools to teach writing workshops and occasionally to give “author talks”. My author talk was based on the themes of my debut novel: everything I’d learnt about screwing up, bouncing back, choosing great friendships and ditching perfectionism. The first time I stood in front of a group of teens chatting with them about resilience, I knew I was where I was meant to be. Eventually through word-of-mouth I was inundated with bookings from schools to talk to students about these topics. I was twice invited to speak at the Halogen National Young Leaders Day in Brisbane (2004 and 2006, I think) and both times received the top rating from the thousands of high school kids in attendance.
Since then I have gone on to speak to THOUSANDS of primary school and high school students at hundreds of schools across Australia. I’ve written three best-selling books for girls on navigating high school, I’ve hosted an award-winning agony aunt podcast for teenage girls (Ask Me Anything), I’ve been invited to write parenting advice pieces for magazines like KIT and Mindful Parenting and in 2018 I was invited to sit on the Queensland Government’s Anti Cyber Bullying Taskforce. My articles and resources are used by psychologists and school teachers across Australia (I know this because they email and tell me!).
But I’m the first person to point out that I’m not a “parenting expert.” I lose my shit. I lose shit. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t pretend to. But I am very good at finding out the answers and then pointing my members in the right direction to the best experts, books and other resources.
And that is why I created The Lighthouse Plan. Yes, I wanted to share everything I’ve personally learned over the past 25 years connecting with and understanding tweens and teenagers. But even more than that, I wanted to help other parents feel less isolated and less overwhelmed. Because as parents in 2019 we are stretched in ways that no other parenting generation has been. And we are dealing with issues that no other generation has had to handle. Here’s what I know: All the answers/resources/support are out there...but you have to know where to go looking for them. So think of me as your Tour Guide to your daughter’s tween and teen years. And the Lighthouse Plan in your roadmap.
So when I hear mums say, “Life is so busy, and I can feel my daughter slipping away from me… and I don’t know how to stop it.” - I HEAR YOU.
Life IS busy, and as parents we get caught in the endless treadmill of work / carpool / washing uniforms and packing school lunches.
In The Lighthouse Plan I’m giving you all the best strategies I’ve learned about connecting with tweens and teens AND doing the leg work for you when you’re thrown a parenting curveball. Plus our 750+ private Facebook group has become a judgement-free, safe space where parents of girls can ask each other for advice and support. (In the past few weeks we’ve covered everything from frenemies in the playground to first boyfriends to group sleepovers.)
I would love to help you better connect with your daughter.
I would love to provide you with the best resources
to navigate the sometimes rocky, often wonderful path ahead.

But wait! Theres more!
You'll also get access to "The Five Series"

Digital Health and Wellbing Expert Dr Kristy Goodwin will discuss what every parent needs to know about kids and life online.
Social Worker Caroline Ellen will fill us in on six tips to safer sleepovers.
Expert advice at your finger tips. Don’t miss out.

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has been a travel writer, a magazine editor, a newspaper columnist, a TV scriptwriter and a novelist. She is perhaps best-known as the author of three best-selling non-fiction books for teenage girls designed to help them navigate those tricky high school years. Those books include Find Your Tribe (and 9 other things I wish I'd known in high school); Find Your Feet (The 8 things I Wish I'd Known Before I Left High School) and the best-selling Ask Me Anything (heartfelt answers to 65 anonymous questions from teenage girls). Aside from writing books Rebecca writes for Mamamia and plays agony aunt to teenage girls on the Ask Me Anything podcast. Bec talks to thousands of high school students every year about friendship, resilience, giving back and life online. Rebecca is an ambassador for The Pyjama Foundation, ReachOut Parents and #TeamGirls a joint initiative by Suncorp, and Netball Australia. In 2018 she was invited to be a member of the Queensland Government’s Anti-Cyber Bullying Taskforce. She is a mother to three kids (including one tween girl!).

The Lighthouse Plan
- 🗸 12 Months Access to The Lighthouse Plan Course
- 🗸 A bond building strategy, gold-star tween/teen parenting tip and a How-To-Handle page
- 🗸 PLUS FREE 12 Months Access to the Tricky Conversations Course
- 🗸 PLUS FREE 12 Months Access to the Five Series
- 🗸 12 Months Access to a closed Facebook group
- 🗸 Before You Hit Send notes
- 🗸 Resources List
Bec's Guarantee:
“In 2019 the tween years feel trickier than ever. Our girls are experiencing friendship dramas, a drop in confidence and body image issues to name a few. This course is your roadmap to the tween years as I show you how to guide your daughter through this often wonderful and sometimes rocky period!
Best of all I’ll show you how to teenage-proof your relationship by strengthening your bond and your lines of communication with your daughter before she becomes a teenager. I offer a money-back guarantee for anyone who completes the course and feels like it wasn’t worthwhile - that’s how much I believe in it.”
Bec Sparrow