The Way We Live – Good intentions and keeping your shirt on ….

This is my favourite week of the year. The year ahead is at its most shiny, its most fresh.  Right now 2011 is perfect and ripe with possibility and potential. Unlike, say, July by which time you’ve gone on breakfast radio and confidently derided the Broncos for taking on Brendon Fevola only to be told he actually plays for the, um, Lions (March); allowed your daughter to eat peanut butter out of the jar if it means she’ll let you finish the feature you’re writing (May); and made a topless dash to the lounge room only to notice a delivery driver staring at you through the window next to the front door (April and don’t ask).

But on 2 January none of that’s gone down yet.  On 2 January you’re on track to be the smartest, funniest, thinnest, most widely read, most patient, most community-service minded version of yourself that it is possible to be without having a drinking problem.  Accidentally flashing a delivery driver while dashing around the house isn’t even on your radar because in 2011 there’s no dashing.  In 2011 you will glide (with a top on.)

This time last year you may recall I started our First Sunday Club with the goal of donating $10 per month to a specific cause.  My aim was to bring more meaning into my life (and, lets be honest, win a few Brownie points with God). As I detailed last week we made some amazing contributions in 2010. But this year I’m going to mix things up a little (because in 2011 I’m more creative and spontaneous, clearly).  Some months I’m going to ask you to do more than just write a cheque. Some months I’m going to ask you to get involved by donating items or even volunteering.

But enough from me (see? I’m less self-absorbed in 2011. Brad’s next to me rolling his eyes.). Let’s kick things off with  Most of you will have heard of this innovative website set up last year by Brisbane woman Juliette Wright.  It’s like a matchmaking service for donated items. Charities get in touch with Juliette to tell them what they need and Juliette lists the items on her site in the hope that some good person will respond.  As I write this a homeless women’s service is looking for a lockable craft cupboard; some refugee claimants in Windsor would love some gardening tools to help start a community garden, and a previously homeless man with a disability needs a washing machine as he sets up his new home.

So here’s what I would like you do. Go online and see if you can help. Register to receive the weekly Givit list. There’s usually a long list of items that are needed from computers to desks to freezers to gardening equipment.

We all have way too much stuff. Start 2011 off on the right foot by giving something away. (Just not your top).  Visit or call (07) 3289 2590.


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  1. living savvy on January 3, 2011 at 9:20 am

    What a wonderful way to kick off the year with GIVIT. Catching up on your The First Sunday Club’s posts last week I thought of the great work of Juliette from GIVIT & what a great fit it would be. I love how life unfolds like this.

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About Bec

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.

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