Writers on Rafts: Australian authors helping victims of the Queensland floods

I’m currently working with the Queensland Writers Centre to organise “Writers On Rafts” — a fundraiser for the flood victims in Queensland. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Premier’s Flood Relief Program.
For a tiny ticket price you’ll go in the draw to win:
*  A personal visit to your book club OR school by one of Australia’s best loved writers
* A one-on-one writing workshop or mentoring session with a well-known writer
* A character named after you in an author’s next novel
* A high tea with some of Australia’s best loved female writers
* A whole stack of book packs, signed copies etc etc etc
* a manuscript assessment from a literary agent or publisher
So far we have over 60 writers, publishers and agents onboard including Jessica Adams, Nick Earls, John Birmingham, Kim Wilkins, Jessica Adams, Allison Rushby, Pamela Rushby, Richard Glover, Anita Heiss, Mia Freedman, Tara Moss, Sarah Wilson, Zoe Foster, Emily Jade O’Keefe, Frances Whiting, Erica Bartle, Melina Marchetta, Markus Zusak, Sara Foster, Kate Hunter, Kerri Sackville, Kylie Ladd, Steve Biddulph, Venero Armanno, Josie Montano, Richard Newsome, Pippa Masson from Curtis Brown, University of Queensland Press, Inkwell Management, Rachael & Kim from 4 Ingredients and many, many, many (you get the idea) more.
Website coming soon. Watch this space for details.


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  1. Alison Triffett - Style Counsel on January 15, 2011 at 10:10 pm

    Will definitely be watching this space for more updates. Am so going to be there Bec! What a brilliant idea, and just another reason I’m so proud to be an Aussie right now. You are, as always, amazing…

    Big Al x

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About Bec

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.

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