How Do Your Kids Think About Racism

One of the beautiful things about raising children is having the opportunity to watch them grow and form their own opinions on the big issues facing our nation. 

I love Australia, and I feel incredibly lucky to live in such an amazing, complex, beautiful country, but the idea of celebrating Australia Day on the 26th of January – a day of historic hurt for First Nations people – is a little tricky, especially for parents who grew up in a very different time.

If you’re looking for a way to open up conversations with your tweens and teens about racism in Australia, the documentary The Final Quarter is a great place to start.

The Final Quarter is an extraordinary and heartbreaking glimpse into racism in Australia. 

It tells the story of Adam Goodes, an AFL champion and Indigenous leader who became the victim of widespread racism on and off the football field, and holds a mirror up to Australia, offering the opportunity to reconsider our actions and responses.

You can learn more about the film and how to stream it here.


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About Bec

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.

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