If you’re after a feel-good movie, go see this one …

Once upon a time I went to the movies ALL THE TIME.

On a whim! I’d be bored in an afternoon and think “I’m going to pop out to a movie!” There is no popping now. None. Going to the movies takes organisation and babysitters and lists of instructions.

So when I do FINALLY get to a movie, it had better be enjoyable. If I’m going to put on fancy clothes and make-up and pay money for a ticket – I want to enjoy myself.

And that’s what happened last night when I grabbed a raspberry slushie (don’t judge) and saw “The 100-Foot Journey” starring the legendary Helen Mirren, famed Bollywood actor Om Puri, the delightful Charlotte Le Bon and the captivating Manish Dayal.

The film – adapted from the best-selling novel by Richard C. Morais – is the story of an Indian family headed by Papa Kadam (Puri) who move to the exquisite town of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Va in the South of France and decide to open an Indian restaurant across the road (100 feet, geddit?) from a Michelin-starred and rather up itself restaurant run by Madame Mallory (Mirren).

100 foot journey If youre after a feel good film, this is the movie to see this weekend.

Cinematic comfort food. Yep, it’s a thing.

Look, I’m no fancy-schmancy reviewer. I’m not going to analyse performances or the direction. All I can tell you is that I loved this film. I just did. It’s not perfect – and about two-thirds of the way in it loses traction for a while. And sure it’s a bit Hollywood and a bit of a fairytale. BUT. But there is something undeniably lovely about this film.

This movie cheered me up. And it reminded me of things I still love about the world: red bicycles with wicker baskets, mouth-watering plates of ripe tomatoes and French cheeses or dahl and cheesey naan bread, fairy lights and rowdy backyard family meals, unexpected friendships and, of course, heart-fluttering crushes.

At a time when life feels bleak, when we seem to have lost our ability to walk in another person’s shoes – this film reminds us we are more similar than different. It’s a beautifully packaged lesson in the benefits of opening your mind and your heart to different ways of doing things.

The 100-Foot Journey is cinematic comfort-food.

The scenery will make you want to buy a plane ticket to the South of France. The food will make you want to grab a wicker basket and head to your local farmers’ market. And the storyline is a reminder that sometimes breaking bread with your enemies is as nourishing as any Chicken Tikka Masala.

Cliched? Maybe. But it’s good to be reminded.

HERE’S the TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEO1TWeM5JU

And FYI – this is not a sponsored post! I just thought I’d tell you about a movie I enjoyed! icon smile If youre after a feel good film, this is the movie to see this weekend.

What’s the last movie you enjoyed?

This post first appeared on Mamamia.


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About Bec

Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.

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