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About this time every year I remind people to grab a copy of my favourite Christmas book: How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T Smith. I know what you’re thinking. It’s October. You’re like, “Calm your farm, lady.” But you see this book is an ADVENT story. Starting on 1st December and finishing on 25th December you read a short chapter every night to your kids. Or your dog. #nojudgement It’s one of my FAVOURITE Christmas traditions and we’ve been reading this book every December for years now. My kids still LOVE it. See, kids…
Read MoreFind Your Tribe on
Just to keep you in the loop — a column on my book Find Your Tribe featured on Mamamia today where you can also share your thoughts on…
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 6 March 2011: the Ultimate Girly High Tea
The Way We Live For Sunday 6 March 2011 I have never met a lemon curd tart I didn’t like. Which is good news because they’re on the…
Sunday Mail Column for Sunday 27 February 2011: the one about the movie
It is a well-known truth that many first novels are deeply autobiographical. Harper Lee drew inspiration from her own Alabama childhood when she penned To Kill A Mockingbird,…
The Way We Live, Sunday 20 February 2011
I did something last week when you weren’t looking. I moved to Adelaide. I know. I KNOW. One minute I was here and the next minute when you…
The Way We Live for Sunday 13 February 2011
I have something to tell you. Here goes: I am a republican with a monarchist trying to get out. I can’t help it. I’m totally fascinated by the…
First Sunday Club for February 2011: Dress For Success
Cue the smoke machine and the wind chimes sound effect; we’re about to go back in time. Back to 1995. Toy Story was the movie everyone was talking…
The Way We Live: The one about running
SUNDAY MAIL COLUMN FOR SUNDAY 30 JANUARY 2011 I’ve started running. “Running” of course being code for shuffling along like Cliff Young. Well without the short shorts. And…
The Way We Live: The One About Writers on Rafts ….
SUNDAY MAIL COLUMN FOR SUNDAY 23 JANUARY 2011 I want you to go find five dollars. Right now. Go see if you’ve got a five-dollar note in your…
The Way We Live: The one about strengths …
SUNDAY MAIL COLUMN FOR SUNDAY 16 JANUARY 2010 To say I’ve been searching for a bit of meaning over the past few months is an understatement. Grief and…
Writers on Rafts: Australian authors helping victims of the Queensland floods
I’m currently working with the Queensland Writers Centre to organise “Writers On Rafts” — a fundraiser for the flood victims in Queensland. 100% of the proceeds will go…
About Bec
Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.
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