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About this time every year I remind people to grab a copy of my favourite Christmas book: How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T Smith. I know what you’re thinking. It’s October. You’re like, “Calm your farm, lady.” But you see this book is an ADVENT story. Starting on 1st December and finishing on 25th December you read a short chapter every night to your kids. Or your dog. #nojudgement It’s one of my FAVOURITE Christmas traditions and we’ve been reading this book every December for years now. My kids still LOVE it. See, kids…
Read MoreLook For The Glitter …
Look for the glitter. That’s what I tell my kids every morning in the car when I’m dropping them at school. Look for the glitter in the day.…
Be The Safe Harbour
What was the most popular post from me in 2022? This one. So many schools emailed me asking for a copy that I turned it into a free…
The light that comes from loss …
First published in 2017. The death of my daughter Georgie was the greatest thing to happen to me. That’s jarring to read, I know. Believe me, it’s jarring…
Three Types Of Bravery I Want My Kids To Have
Bravery is a bit like Lady Gaga – it can pull off quite a few different looks. I was reminded of this a few weeks ago when my…
Here’s How You Can Do Some Good in 2020
BARACK OBAMA: “On a day of fresh starts and new beginnings, I challenge you to take a step toward change in your community. If everyone reading this can…
Best Podcasts for Kids, Tweens & Teens
Podcasts for Kids, Pre-Teens and Teens Whether you’re driving to school, sports practice, after school activities or grandma’s house … this is a great time to put on…
It’s time to remember being 13 …
See that girl below? That’s me. I’m 13 in that first photo and it’s 1985. Sixteen in the other photo (so 1988). I look at those photos and…
6 Friendship Lessons for Girls
“The mean behaviour has to stop …” On Friday I received an email from a school asking for help with their year 8 cohort of girls. There was…
The life-changing magic of baking …
There is so much emotion tied to food. It really is one of those fundamental ways we can show people we love and care about them. I love…
About Bec
Over the past 25 years Rebecca Sparrow has earned a living as a travel writer, a television publicist, a marketing executive, a magazine editor, a TV scriptwriter, a radio producer, a newspaper columnist and as an author.
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